We believe everyone has the power to create their own luck, given the opportunity.

Our dirt is a resource, and it offers much more than food. It offers a connection. That’s something we’ve seen first hand, and it’s our duty to share that experience, knowledge, and understanding with those who can use it.

In the early 60's, our family hosted a man from Korea as part of the International Foreign Youth Exchange program and 4-H

Connection often looks like sitting together, talking about your day and what’s on your mind, or sending a message to show you’re there. It sounds simple, but those are moments not everyone is afforded. We want to change that.

One of our Brothers, incarcerated since he was 17, is trying to stay strong amidst all the chaos in the world

Our mission is a continuation of our family's work, from foreign exchange experiences to adopting unwanted children, and bringing hope to those in prison, extending care and connection to people who are too often denied those human experiences.

We are lucky to see the change our dirt makes, and your purchase allows us to extend that beyond our farm, by supporting court-involved youth and people who are currently incarcerated.

To learn more about how you can help >>


Check out this interview with our founder on Subkit, an interview series where they celebrate small business entrepreneurs.

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