My relationship journey with God started after I was arrested at age 17, and detained as a resident in JTDC (Juvenile Temporary Detention Center). When I first arrived I was still stuck in my negative ways. The holy spirit was not in me nor did I see it ever being in me.
One day I went to court and the Judge told me I would be incarcerated for 31 years if I was found guilty. Whoa! Hearing that scared the living crap out of me. After returning to JTDC the staff told me to get ready that I was going to attend something called Adopt a Pod. “What is that,” I asked. They explained it’s when different churches or organizations come in to talk with us and share the word of God.
As we arrived at the chapel, all of these people were there just smiling, the look of joy on their faces. Looking back, those people were God’s angels waiting for us, sending God’s message to us. A tall guy by the name of Jim introduced himself and explained their mission was to give us God’s word and pray with us.
I can say that was the time I felt the spirit because it felt like real love. I was interested in becoming active in getting to know who God really is.
Growing up I went to church but being young, the word of God just wasn’t the thing for me that was exciting. Growing up in poverty, all I knew was violence, killing, stealing, and destruction. Just like the devil. The challenge I faced was having no father in my life. He was in and out of jail a lot. My mother had me at 14 and was not active in my life. So, I was raised by my Grandmother. When you’re from where I am and raised by your Gramma, there is only so much she can do. So, we run the streets and get misled by the wrong people. That’s how I ended up 4 hours from home in a medium-security state prison for men serving a 16-year sentence.
When I was at JTDC it was tough in the beginning. Fighting. Always in trouble. Disrespecting staff members. Ignoring orders and not following the rules. After a while of being on restrictive privileges and always in my cell, I became tired and stressed. So I decided to get my act together by being in programs, going to church, and attending the barber college inside JTDC.
I started to be so good I was asked to be one of the resident ambassadors. Thank you to Deputy Executive Director (William) Steward who saw the good in me and nominated me. If Stew ever reads this, “I thank you for everything you’ve done and are still doing. You’re one of God’s greatest creations for the work and passion you have for troubled youth. I will persevere for you as well as be great in life. Thank you.”
Thanks to Jim McMillen who put nonstop dedication in seeing me at my best and at my best with my relationship journey with God. I love you all.
My relationship with God is great. Every time I was in need God showed up. When times are hard, he’s there. When I’m going off the deep end, he’s there. Throughout everything, he’s never left my side. And I’m thankful and happy I have a great relationship with the father of the universe.
My hope for the future is to have my own nonprofit for young boys and girls who lack leadership, the word of God, and support overall, who just need someone to love and care for them. I feel that’s God’s mission for me when I’m a free man. God bless all who spread your word and do nonstop work to see change in this world.
Sincerely, Keshon (age 23)